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i think. therefore, I am !

My thoughts are a bit scattered but jotted them down anyhow.

I perceive" I think therefore I am" to be- I become what I think I wish to become. I.e. I evolve into a person that i think i am. The important part of this whole discussion is the "thinking"...

Human mind is a powerful tool. We just don’t recognize it’s potential. Those who do. turn into lunatics/fanatics/philosophers etc. people with knowledge of their capacity are often arrogant. Once they turn to arrogance, their journey to learning stops. They are satisfied with the limited knowledge they hoard. Many choose not to share with others/many choose to make a living out of sharing. Choice is always a weapon. Used either to defend oneself or attack! It’s not easy to find people who know their potential, know its consequences, and yet maintain a balance between the soul searching and living up- the results of soul searching. A true learned person (according to me) is the one who has learnt lessons of life through listening, observing and being a part of nature.

It is easy to have dreams of renouncement. To dream of a day when no one would tie us down, bind us to norms. Its all very alluring to the emotional fool of a mind. Mosr often than not, those who walk on the path of denouncement return back to original glory after a harsh reality that being a sanyasi isn’t as easy as it looks! Its cooler than most think though :P

One needs to transform into a detached being. It doesn’t happen overnight.

Jus an observation… it may happen in some cases, leo Tolstoy ignored epiphany twice and gave in the 3 rd time . then came his brilliant works!

See! it can happen overnight , just that people don’t recognize changes easily. They just know how to react to changes in their environment. No one takes the responsibility to try changing a situation in hand so the result may vary. Mostly the result is based on a set standard and no one contests that or tries to set their own standard.

Strange !!

I don’t associate with people who are possession less to begin with , then use this detachment and “renouncement” theory to shrug their mortal responsibilities and abscond. then claim to be sanyasis jus because they have discarded the joys of the physical world and taken the path of self discovery- soul searching-hunting god!!!...

I much rather love and respect a sanyasi/person if they did OWN the possessions of the materialistic world , either created or handed down… used it to peoples benefits, take care of the responsibilities that come as a package with blessings. of being a human being with the lust and glory... and then someday! decided to make a CHOICE to disown everything in search of something more meaningful

. the point I m trying to convey is that, one has to go through various stages of life and must do so with faith in the heart, acceptance in the mind, and spirit in the soul. Only then detachment wont be a dagger in the emotional party J

It’s not necessary or possible to experience everything physically .One need not burn oneself in flames in order to know what damage the fire can cause... The most important part is to be able to relate to things., the correct inference....

Point is, I cant harp enough about the power of the mind. If the mind programs itself into believing that its requirements can be met with an single apple a day, the body is naturally going to follow suit. .

Since all changes happen in the mind first, its of high importance to keep the brain clutter free.

Some other day on clutter.

Enough of my morning ramblings.


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