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The process of making and acting on decisions. An ability to guide, and channel our desires into fruition. The permission given by self, to think, act, react, respond or ignore. The ultimate source and supply of motivation and momentum.

This is what comes to my mind, thinking about willpower. I often contemplate, on the source of this magnificent force, The Will. I think, it comes from desires, deeply rooted in tendencies, (vasanas) which I believe, have something to do, with our aural energy. Our aural energies, are made up of thoughts and emotions, stored as records on the cloud of our consciousness.

We are here to experience life. There really is no concept, of settling down on this planet, but it clearly doesn’t stop some people, from wishing and trying. The idea is to create the “self”, not go outside of self, in an attempt of finding yourself. Sounds counter- productive.

We are not lost items, that need to be found. We really just need to pay attention, to the meter of our health, displayed by our emotions. The quality of emotions we experience, is the “Real” quality of life we experience.

Emotions make the experience of living, come alive. To generate emotions, we need to exchange energies with people, or interact with nature. Not all exchanges are emotional, although all exchanges create an emotion. Only some, are significant enough, to be experienced as feelings. An emotion is created, as a by-product of exchange. When we give or take, we are creating emotions. Some are pleasant and others, not so much.

The idea of life, is to move from person to person, not attaching to any specific person, to satisfy one specific emotion. Too much of one thing, can be dangerous as over exposure leads to contempt.

Its human nature to get addicted to a certain kind of feeling, which only a certain person provides.

This tendency of getting addicted, fascinates me. Let’s break this everyday phenomenon, down to its roots, shall we?

What a person triggers or stimulates, is largely based on their own nature. A persons Nature, is a composition of motivations, intentions and everyday habits. It’s the very blueprint of their thoughts. Thoughts are electrical impulses, hence energy. So in actuality, we exchange energy, when we interact with others. Basis the nature of intentions, energy is created, transferred or drained and wasted.

Its basic chemistry, one compound mixed with another compound, will create a new compound, as a form of reaction. Some mixes (exchanges) lead to a stable compound, and some result in unstable explosive mix. Any person, in their right frame of mind, would choose the stable one, but since we haven’t cultivated the art of thinking for our own well-being, we often choose the latter, for the fear of being labelled selfish.

We are made of pools of spiraling energy. Each pool depicting the various emotions it holds. The pools develop one at a time, in accordance to the age and the corresponding bodily changes (hormones). The phases of life, have been beautifully classified by our culture as the 4 stages ( Asramas). They are Brahmacharya (student), Gṛhastha (householder), Vanaprastha (forest walker/forest dweller), and Sannyasa (renunciation). During the unravelling of each stage, a different pool of energy is dominant.

Being present by moving with time, is our answer to removing dead pools of stagnant energy. Simply put, as we grow from infancy, all the way into old age, the idea of life is to experience, corresponding emotions. For this, we need our own permission, to begin with.

Giving permission to self, isn’t a very common subject, nor is it openly discussed, for we are taught that the society, is made up of emotional architypes, meant to be catered by designated parties, chosen by our decision makers. At no point does the system, believe in the maturity of a person, to call shots for themselves.

We are told that a mothers’ role is to love, a father’s role is to provide, and a child’s role is to listen and abide. Roles are pre decided for us, as rules of engagement, by our families and many others, during the long walk of life.

During childhood, it’s our parents or care takers that decide for us. Moving ahead, it’s our partners or partner of choice, that do all the decision making for us, and for many, their bosses are the ideal option of choice, since the results of the exchange is lucrative. For some their doctors, lawyers, consultants or astrologers, become the final point of decision making.

To make matters worse, our culture isn’t very open to the idea, of developing the Individual Will. It’s considered dangerous because, with the power of decision making, one feels empowered. The “need” for validation diminishes, since individual thinking leads to, unchartered territories, which could possibly loosen the webs, and ease grips from external control.

Loosening of external grip happens, as the mind begins to question the validity of such exchanges.

It’s scary for those who are used to controlling others, as the only form of inter personal exchange. For them, the sole point of connection, which is control, would be lost, due to the other one’s, internal question and answer sessions.

They resort to guilt traps, which are carefully laid out, to discourage the process of change, during the phases of transition. This is done to extend the period of control. Mind games are used to stagnate another one’s mind. Stagnant mind= stagnant experience of life.

With so much external pressure, One’s own permission, to move with the flow of energy, is denied.

Growing up, doesn’t guarantee maturity, for your thoughts need, time and space for completion, to enable growth and maturity to surface. Many of us, haven’t been lucky enough, to receive the needed time and space, to grow into ourselves, without disturbance of noise, or devious control mechanisms. That’s why, maturity hasn’t surfaced , for many.

For thoughts to complete, we must spend time, in solitude, just listening to ourselves 😊. Sitting in one’s own company, is indeed a privilege .

Your Will Power, must be willing, and trusting in self, to complete its thoughts, to make steady intentions, then be further willing to test the theory, with an experiment, which is then followed by, the right kind of processing or observation of information, and then finally, drawing conclusions or grasping the essence, through inference of the experiment.

Experience comes from performing the full act, from setting intentions, to drawing conclusions, without getting emotionally attached, to any part of the process. “Experiment intelligently” in short.

Observe without expecting a specific result, and try that, without being emotionally tangled by attachment, to your sense of self, or with the experiment.

The many layers of deep conditioning don’t help, in keeping the perception open to observing, without attachment. When attachment happens, our Will power loses momentum. It causes distress, as it stagnates energy movement, between these pools of energies in our bodies. Being with the flow of emotions, ensures full experience, without attachment as pesky remnants.

Then infer the data appropriately by thinking for yourself. One way of inculcating the habit of thinking for oneself, is to have no expectations from experiments. Keeping the mind, free of clutter to observe with an open heart.

Different intentions are bound to have, two completely different looking, set of expectations and road maps, towards reaching the end goal, of drawing a conclusion, to complete the thought. One can’t predict the route. And coordination can get messy and can slow the progress, in just trying to catch up.

That’s purely because, individual intentions, will decide the unfolding of their unique processes.

Thus crafting dissimilar experiments and periods of observations.

In relationships, this creates distance and aloofness in the air, the two share.

For two people to get along, their intentions must complement each other’s goals. Then their journeys, will remain relatable to one another, creating harmony.

Being able to relate, is to be understanding and respectful of boundaries.

Relatability is not the same as attachment. Its fluid and transient while the latter is obsessive, stagnant and mean.

The idea is to approach life and people in general, by being steadfast in our intentions, not expectations.

This should be the mantra, to experience life, by experimenting with it. After all, what good is an experiment, without accurate inference, if not for more junk mail?

When two people’s intentions don’t complement each other, rough, abrasive, friction filled energy is generated. Moving the point of consciousness downward, which feels bad, simply put.

Exercising the power of Will, can change the direction of energy flow.

When one person’s energy has been consciously cultivated, by the power of willingness, it spirals upward, towards the thinking playground- the brain. The whole upward movement of energy has been termed Kundalini rising, but that’s a subject for another time.




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