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Sleep therapy.

Opening past chapters of your life, should be with the purpose of reliving some wonderful emotions and catching up with self. Instead of feeling disconnected with your own “story” every time the memory of what you lost, comes to surface.

Your past connects you to who you are today, which in turn has a huge impact on the possibility of a new combination, leading to yet another kind of ending. Meaning there is no “sealed fate” if your conscious decisions shape your reality.

By being conscious you can constantly create newer possibilities of living differently . Your decisions will eventually lead to your ultimate demise.

All that starts must end. But at least you knew your story well and played the lead in it.

Everything can be mapped from start to finish. Some of us measure with the tangible and some measure with intangible resources like intuition, foresight, vision, premonition. The idea of mapping is to provide data for an informed decision regarding spending energy resource. 

We are conditioned to believe that fate is a single entity. It is the result of combining certain elements (decisions). We wait for these elements to unravel, watching from distance, our very own lives being controlled by a combination of specific possible choices handed down by tradition through family conditioning and sometimes through an extremely dangerous panel of family Astrologer. 

Our thinking gets limited, giving air to such monstrosity. We become monsters with a good heart, trying to hide what we have become in the process of trying to keep the head down, while life is “happening” all around us. 

All energies are used up to keep the faith going under strict rules of submission. Any attack of free will mean you have to restart, as your “slate” is tarnished with a tinge of free will.

My logic refuses to buy this “slate” which cannot be wiped and reused for yet another brainstorming session, as and when I want. After all, IT’S MY SLATE.

It is funny that SLATE, when left alone, disengaged for a while becomes STALE!

There must be some meaning to the two words doing a flip and becoming the other. I am guessing it is in the process of cleaning up that the slate that it undergoes a transformation. Allowing itself to be used for its original purpose. 

Starting fresh. Each day. Everyday.

Every breath is a new breath, why are we injecting stale poison into us in the name of freshness?

From food to thoughts, everything is processed, handed down by people, traditions or worse, the media. 

Our capabilities to be a filter machine for thoughts is dulling drastically. Our engines never get the due shut down period it deserves. We are not in habit of hibernation which I believe is a gift to all living creatures. The joy is in the ability to curl up and sleep for eternity. Enjoy the flavours of a billion dreams. WOW😊

If that isn’t bliss, I don’t know what else is.

All that we pick up from around us as thoughts/energies get filtered out while sleeping.

Everything renews. Isn’t that lovely?

We don’t need sleep engineers or doctors; we can be everything while in that dream state. Its all real when its happening, on the astral plane.  

What is the harm in bringing back a little inspiration from the dream state? Its after all appealing and makes you feel good.

But guess what? Society has rules even for sleeping. There is only so much that the near and dear tolerate before you are labelled a sloth.

Does no one think, “let the sleeping be, that’s one less energy to feed and care for!”.

People like full involvement between families living together. That means no one is” in charge” of themselves, they are “in charge” of each other. 

I really do not know how people think this kind of thinking helps people feel happy around each other. Its far from my beliefs based on self-nourishment leading to communal nourishment.

No one likes their car keys in another one’s hand. But we hand over the right of decision making and seek permission from another being. Is that logical?

If its involvement one seeks, it can be created by “inclusion”. By including another one in our mental family we cook for all, clean for all. We can think for all without exertion. 

It is not about the expectation of being rewarded or acknowledged as much as understanding your place and role in the immediate environment. 

Ability to respond? Responsibility? Rings a bell?

(Response ability for the slow)

Now, rings a bell?

The repeated everyday activity that comes from a place of understanding leads to harmony and contentment. In comparison to feeling burdened, outcast and unaccepted.

Once the role is accepted, one can attempt at performing it, with true intelligence and savour the emotional turbulence.

Without understanding, we are like puppets, without a clue of the storyline, and can never truly invest or even feel our greatest depths of emotions that only families can bring into our being. 

They say an enemy cannot harm you as much as your own friends and families can.

It is true, purely because they have access to your being. When you separate giving access from giving control, you understand that allowing someone to watch you is different from giving them your controls, just because they know too much!

Point being, close ones are close for a reason. There must be some truth in our choosing them to be around us in the first place. Respect that. Find value in that. Family is like the root; you must reach in deep within yourself to access the information that your DNA carries. It starts with accepting your place in the family tree and understanding the nature of the roots. The wealth of information will be life transforming to say the least. It will develop a sense of deep-rooted respect for where you come from. 

If you know where you come from, you may know where all, you can possibly go. 

Just saying 😊


  1. Very interesting read, definitely want to sleep more after reading this.

  2. Dangerous panel of family astrologers and a few more statements make me burst out with laughter but the rest makes me ponder about the importance of starting fresh each day, the impact of the responsibility as well as the choice to respond to every circumstance, the need to make these choices with nothing but pure consciousness. Capabilities to be a filter machine is certainly dulling, the point is spot on and I so want to imagine myself as a bear after this article happily going for a hibernation.


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