They say ,
just try to let go,
I say
its not easy to go slow mo!
They say
learn to be happy and carefree!
I say,
why don’t you help! search for the inner me
They say
holding hands, releases the inner glee
I say,
how will touching someone set me free?
They say
do this, do that
I say,
all this trying looks a bit like a frat!
They make u meditate on a mat
amidst all the breathing, i can still smell a rat!
he chants! Breathe in breathe out.
my common sense is revived, but my pockets shout.
They try to open you up to strangers
Then how are they training you to be lone rangers?
Life is not a bunch of public opinions
Why waste my time on all them onions :P
They should try to teach the importance of a wall !
So you can sit on it, and take ur call
The mind needs to be taught when to rest
Coz after all life is a test.!!
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