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the circle of onions!

Back into my bare apartment

Thinking of all the things iv done

Done to justify my presence

To find my simple place under the sun

People always have opinions!

Figuring them out is a bag of onions

The more you peel , the more you cry!

They stink you up!!, while They sit there ,and multiply.

Some teach the art of living :D

And force you into submission, until you give in!

You go in seeking a new leash over life,

What you get is wisecracks almost like chives.

Whats my obsession with all this onions?

I don’t wish to give em barehugs in baniyuns :P

Do they matter in the race at all

That only if you accept , the race is on!

Chill, relax, calm your nerves

Do all the pranayams you learnt before

Its all done to teach you to serve

To enjoy your life better, not live in reserve!!


  1. a new style of writing , seems to emerge from a pattern that the brain is developing or a matrix that youre following may it be in counts beats thoughts or typical but good

  2. any sort of a practice of arts impacts in the change of thought processes.
    hence the phrase, maintaining bio rhythm.


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