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The Fickle Pickle

You look at her , she looks at you. Your eyes meet briefly, exactly at the same time.

**You connect.**
You find yourself in the lobby, hanging out,  waiting almost, until she walks past nonchalantly into the lift. 

**You follow her.**
You know the cameras exist so you restrict yourself to small talk. sometimes dish out instructions to meet for some discussion in the private confines of the Office chamber. 

**You are on a power trip. **
You wanna exercise your command to test waters.
She arrives a bit later than you expected,  into your office. You are smitten by the grace with which she drapes her saree. 

**You compliment her elegance.** 
She is taken aback, but welcomes a warm compliment from her senior. 
You try to make small talk. Trying to engage her in conversations by asking her opinion about subjects you have already made your conclusions for. 

**You look for a point of entry.**
She provides it by understanding your intent given away by your vague conversations and is ready to believe she is the one throwing the net on you. 

**She responds by smiling intently towards you.**

**The Game in On**
You imagine she reads what you are not saying. 
An imaginary relationships groundwork is complete.
It' s imaginary because it's convenience based give and take , and it never takes form of being a couple in public. It never receives any attention together as being two as one.

**It's a secret. **
Who is preying on who? Will either party receive anything more than penetration of the body while consciously evading the nature of the equation of being "No strings attached" ?

**It's hunger based.**
Every time you wanna fuck, go eat a big meal. 

**Then Rethink**
Most probably you'll go back to your marital bedroom and pass out until midnight , waking only when you find the hunger return. 
You'll most probably find the woman you married sleeping next to you. It's perfectly natural to wanna have sex under such circumstances since you are already bound by Agni and aren't crossing the boundaries of your aura. 

Let's assume, you were outside bedroom past 8 pm. 
There is a good chance your urge ( Plain hunger for edible food ) will lead your eyes onto whatever is available in the vicinity. There is a Multi cuisine Buffet you supervise, certain sight or smell triggers your "food hunger". 
Your body is confusing "food hunger" to be "companion hunger". Wether you want it or not, it's there. So is the mood! 

**What do you do?**
You get into the lift .

**The rest is chemistry.**
You are spent, you realise you are food hungry .
You are probably drunk by now , just to get you to flow easily without your conscience hindering and interfering with something "you wanna do" . 
You creepily and sheepishly,  crawl back in the bedroom pretending to be tired. 

**All the while consciously avoiding the wife.**

**The distance grows.**

**She needs a ride too. **
So she goes elsewhere , since she senses your trip is corrupted and is disrespectful to her. You are after all consciously avoiding her and misleading her to believe what you wish her to believe.

**She finds respect elsewhere** 
Again she is  lead to believe that the man who claims to wanna leave his wife for her, probably will do that "when the time is right".

**She hangs on to hope.**
She is disappointed to be replaced by a younger finer version of her. 
She realises she needs a comfort of "home" to recover from this betrayal.
She is married. She still has a man. She begins to feel guilty and starts giving liberties to the husband which may appear to him as aloofness. 

**The distance grows further.**
One day you sight "The girl from the lift " casually in deep conversation with your wife. You are alarmed to say the least. You wanna know what she said to your wife.

**Lift lady ain't a fool.** 
She is messing with you. She struck a lame conversation just to make you jealous , to see your reaction of panic.
She enjoys putting you in state of utter panic .

**It's her way of going on a power trip alone.**
 It's something you cant fathom. You want it. It turns you on. But you hate the fear it brings to your peaceful routine oriented mind.

**A routine you have worked so hard to achieve. Just to be Incharge of your time.**
You cant ask the wife what she said, coz that would mean you care what the lift lady thinks. 


**Welcome to The Pickle. :)**


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