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The Bottomless Pit.

What is it about sex, that makes some people use their pits, as community disposal system ? 
They crave for plugging into anyone,who is willing to stick their backsides to their faces. 

Attraction being the exchange rate.

Some by principle, never pay for sex.

If the body be the *wonderland*, why can't it be treated as private property?Well groomed, perfectly landscaped private territory.Why does it have to be a public amusement park? Out for everyone to hear and see .

Let me try to analyse this kinda brain for a change. Because everywhere I turn, I see women in denial of their sexual prowess post baby, and men, hungry to bed anyone willing to let them, express theirs.

I see men, with amazing looking wives, who deny them pleasure in exchange of being denied the understanding, it takes from a man,towards a woman recouping, from a massive life and priority changing event, called childbirth. The recovery never happens, simply because most men lack the basic understanding, of what a woman undergoes,during this transitory phase. 

From girlfriend to wife to Mom. 

She doesn't receive understanding and support,yet has to carry on with a new responsibility called Child. A child can't miss a meal,just because Mom was too busy,mulling over the shock value - ie the reality of her life.

**Most marriages crumble during this phase.**

The pregnant woman remains pregnant through out her life.Her physical baby exits her,yet she remains pregnant with additional responsibility,throughout her life.

**Most men start searching for their wives, in other people**,right after the news of pregnancy is broken to them. It's almost like they know,that the wives are no longer their play mate, and go elsewhere seeking fun.

The wife, very well aware of this transition, continues undergoing, morphing into a Mother, all the while **avoiding the man** who is disrespectful to her,  in ways he will never understand. 

His mom, probably dedicated her life to him and his brother, and that gives him reason to believe, a woman is no longer "**available**" to cater to his whimsical everyday desires like a quiet evening ,with wine and wife, leading to naughty sex, every night

You can't expect the Q of "quiet" with a baby in the house. It's not the woman's job to provide the ambience for the apparently tired "man of the house".

I refuse to believe that a guy is to be blamed for the complete lack of understanding.

I think, **a  guy discovers the concept of sex, mostly through other guys**, be it via pornography or storytelling. All he understands is that something between his leg stands up, rubbing it excites him, and that he must put in inside someplace, soft

Doing this will, calm it down.

So thats it?

**Put in, pull out and thats the joy of love-making?**

Most often not. Since it lacks the basic understanding of what the act in itself means . **Most people are too cool to look for meaning in SEX**.

So what is sex?

Besides used for procreation,it's a tool of maintaining relationship, over long years, to make it last forever and ever. Until one of you is dead. Then the other one can finally "start" living their life.

That too is an assumption which has lead to many marriages and divorces, further leading to the birth of 2 very confused individuals , who are now hungry for something. Willing to try anything to fill the void , the missing partner created.

**This is the time when women get new haircuts, and guys get new careers.**

Sex cannot be simplified. It is an act of conscious merging of two peoples vibrations. Plugging in, opens up, so many dimensions,within ones own mind and body. It's a phenomenal way to truly connect, to the very source of ones being, and bring about complete alignment within oneself . 

Instead, its used for recreation( threesome, orgy etc), domination( to gain ego power by using one another, for pleasure) , submission(ego is consciously killed in order to allow the act to happen- rape, paid sex, threesome. ) 

An act of spiritual exchange is also being used as a sport.
Who can go on the longest without wetting themselves? How many pussies have you tasted ? How many arrogant men have you nailed?

Yes, people count.

People digitalise their "victories". 

It's no wonder that an exposed woman, most often turns into an escort

She realises she has been used by the guy who convinced her, the very first time, to have sex with him, and tape it, in the name of Love. 

Used because, he was out of Love almost as quickly as he was into it. 

Once, twice many times. Now she doesn't feel like herself. She feels invaded. She wants to hold someone to feel better.

Anyone will do. All they have to do is , give her attention

She sub consciously creates vibrations that attract someone whom she can hold,and not have real relationship with, since a real relationship would mean reliving the story of betrayal, while sharing her background with the new person. She may risk appearing as a loose woman. Hence prefers to hide parts of herself, while approaching this new person.

She is still too naive to understand that men don't just hold. 

They DO.

She is convinced once again it will make her feel good , to give herself to the man she trusts to just hold her. She convinces herself, in order to make him stay for the night. Else he will go elsewhere . By now, she is in  desperate need of warmth. 

She obviously cannot talk to her family or friends about the "betrayal". 

**She is alone. **

**She needs him.**

**He knows.**

He fucks her that night, enjoys her shyness and innocence. Takes in as much as she gives, demands for more since she is needy of warmth. **Her tears, turn him on.** 

Watching someone being vulnerable is a turn on for men ,who feel exposed and vulnerable all the time, and are too much in denial, to ever do something about it , **besides projecting** it on a girl, and getting a free pass at digging her up.

**She is left thinking alone when he decides its time, he must go**. 

The cycle repeats until one day ,someone she meets, has "heard" about her. 

**She gets paid that night for having sex.**

Coz, why not?

Is she trapped? Or did her series of bad choices,which she justifies as "independent thinking" lead her to it?

In today's world everything comes with a price tag.

**Everything that wills itself to be sold, will be sold.** 
People sell parts of themselves. Their time, Their attention, Their Arousals, Their Plight. 

Everything in the right package can be sold.

**What is the price for human connect?**

I wonder !


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