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The Right Privilege

The Right Privilege

Today the voice of the Nation (News ) is talking about an end of an era. An era that was defined by a sense of entitlement that permeated through the layers of society and displayed itself through entitled aristocrat like behaviour. 

The new age is about rights. Rights that are earned and cannot be passed on as privilege .They can be passed down through skill share. Hence the reestablishment of the Guru -Shishya parampara . (Teacher-Student tradition)

What is entitlement?

It is as if everything is owed to you. There is no room for choices or acknowledgement for the giver. Leave alone a thank you. Its direct access to their energies , only instead of them or mutual, you are the sole benefactor getting recharged. Its a bit like stealing. 

Its a feeling of having everyones resources for ones own disposal, as it were a birth right to have what one wants, regardless of the consequences .

We are rapidly moving towards a truly secular environment, where privilege is obtained after hard work. It is what the word defines itself to be, a special right, an advantage, or an immunity granted or available to a particular person or group. Its truly a luxury of available resources. 

As we ease into a globally warmed environment, we must learn to reuse what already exists. Anything new ,must emerge from existing pile of everything lying around in different parts of the world. Im also a believer of shop local, which means calling the entire nation to be one giant market. A supply market. The demand must be created elsewhere to honour fair trade. 

The picture of privilege is painted for us by people who lived and died ages ago. We must now understand the influence of social media and public platforms. It has given voice to millions. It has literally connected people from all over the globe. It has become a common platform. In such a day and age, aristocracy is only to be portrayed by actors on screen. Now everyone has access to their 15 mins of fame. No one is a star to be breathed deeply into. By the time you get a whiff of a person, the title is handed over to someone else. From one platform to another the ratings change. Then there is a National poll!As if 150 billion people were consulted to arrive at a consensus .

Point is, there is no point in chasing the ultimate. Because there IS NO ultimate. This is the ultimate.We are living it. We are living in our own worst nightmares because we let them haunt us long enough to become a part of our personalities. 

But that changes as soon as the environment changes. We humans are strange mirrors of our surroundings. Which is why the "you" on beach holiday is different from the "you" who goes to work in formals. Given all the changes in "web" environment everyday, achieved upon refresh, we tend to get confused about the existing nature of our reality. There is a urge to create newer content if you are a influencer. There is a need to practice something new if you are a follower. The constant need to change , to be etc is tiring the mind out. It wants rest. It doesn't have a voice to command a total shut down of stimuli. Instead it begins to slow down processing its near and dear physical environment. It becomes lethargic to respond to a persons need for anything. Or even react to something someone says, or does. It could be hilarious, but the mind has mentally overworked itself by reacting to a hundred comedy videos on Instagram, Netflix, Amazon, Youtube , forwards.. Honestly the list is endless.

The same is applicable for the reason behind cheating on spouse. The mind in need for stimulus, keeps wandering around, hunting. In search for something exciting. Most often that mind has tired itself watching too much porn. You imagine too much, you create vibrations around yourself. You may not start acting on their call immediately, but eventually your aura will weigh heavy like a full bladder. Only you wont even know that its overfull and needs clearance. With the physical bladder you are aware of the urge but with the mental bladder you are unaware of its existence. Thats dumb. Really.

One should be capable of expressing ones ideas without offending the listener, or making it about them. Its not personal to them. Its your personal matter which the other one is spending their time and energy on. Respect that. By talking about things in a observation kind of manner you can arrive at a conclusion or a solution. Or at-least one step closer to the desired result. Which is cleaning of the mind so that it is in tune with the now and happening. Thus empowering you to choose the desired results from the now. Instead of delving into the past piles of misery and sharing and off loading on another person until they get miserable. Its not ones right to share misery. There are people paid to listen to all this and give you solution. It works because you spend money on it. And sadly this generation understands only that kind of money mathematics and numbers. So when you spend on it, you are ensuring a take home from it as exchange.

But when you pour on your spouse or friends etc, you are pretty much ruining the possible healthy chemistry between the two. 

The effort of going to a counsellor makes you accept there is a problem. Which is step one. Step two is to be consistent until you begin to see , value and appreciate what others add to your life. Step three, is to dwell in that environment until you feel at home in your skin.

We shall get to skin-care then. :)


  1. Good one there. Shop, local yes, that's something people start to think about more seriously. And true about social media. We are constantly thinking, reacting commenting and perhaps not absorbing anything fully. That's just too much content explosion and sanity is living now and in the moment.


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