An apple fell off a tree and a young man lay witness to its fall, due to the mysterious of “realisations”, gravity was discovered. One such realisation took place today in the shower. While i was scrubbing myself religiously with essential oil soaps handmade by khadi!! It occurred to me that a bathroom is more than a place to show up first thing in the morning to ease bowel movement and splash some water and brush brush brush... It has a dark evil twin . it resembles a dungeon. Think about it,!!!! Isnt it the privacy of the bathroom that we take our clothes/pretences off !! and take a deep look at ourselves??!!! Isnt it under that fading spotlight above the dirty sink and a tiny inconspicuous mirror do we actually look at our self! We hate our imperfections, we love our assets, we admire ourselves. We pose and preen. And the next second, scrutinise and dwell in loath . sometimes we over look flaws... Somewhere along the self assessment the action begins, the art of grooming...