there are days when a blanket of blankness envelopes me. I dont feel like responding to a phonecall or the maid knocking at my door. im jus blank. no thoughts. no activity upstairs.
Russell peters may claim that its only the men who undergo bouts of blankness whereas the women spend their precious moments in pondering over "issues" which he claims are rather useless in real life. That gets me to wonder about the thinking process. both men and women. being a woman i cant deny i have rather tedious and very tiring thought processes and sometimes i can sense a physical shift in my head, a sort of a "settling down" of my brain . this happens in snatches of time , say , at the waiting period in a movie ticket queue, or at a coffee house waiting to be served.. all that heavy shifting inside eventually leads to blankness. i tune out. i have my radio signals suspended for a few mins. i go into some sort of a utter relaxation mode. i suddenly appreciate my surroundings. the trees, the annoying chirping of birds, the quarelling squirrils .......what i am yet to figure out is , if im in tune with myself or am i tuned out of myself!!!
anyways the point im making is, if men claim that the blankness dept is theirs, arent they unknowingly aknowledging the "thinking" that lead them to the state of calm?? if yes then how and why are the women accused of being the overthinkers??
go figure!!
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