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pendulam effect

Im sure we are all very familiar with the" pendulam". for those who dont know what it is.. its a horizontal version of a yo-yo. both pretty much work on the theory of being consistently inconsistant in retaining its position. it cant take a stand . it cant go against its own nature to hold still and remain there.. its job nature itslef is to be indecisive. i feel like iv built a nest on one of these pendulams.coz for reasons unknown my life goes from going in circles to complete yo yoing at zero minutes notice. To avoid the trauma of the everchanging scenarios i have to learn to pattern the whole darn thing in my head. look for warning signs, take corrective actions so on and so forth.I jus have to "figure it out" like i have nothing better to do than guage situations and prepare myself for it.
that brings me to a thought. Is everyones life a sort of a pendulam? or is it jus me. I have been told im bi polar. to most people that s gibberish and an excuse one gives in order to justify their erratic approach to life. . But its a way of life for those who have it. details maybe in another session. jus this much for now.

comments and discussions are welcomed


  1. u need to write vidya....... have to... shuru ho ja...

    - alok

  2. pure gold!

    truth is we all are bipolar, except some of us are BIPOLAR (it's just a matter of how far and how fast de pendulum swings) .. de whole world is built ground up on duality

    normalcy is defined by de majority so anything outside de average is doomed to be abnormal (at de end of de day it's just a play of words)

  3. very enlightening n the beautiful bit is that these are the basic facts of our lives....but we rarely think about them :-)


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