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Why we Stop doing WHAT WE LOVE TO DO MOST.

Its been a while I got down to typing my thoughts. Seems like I had forgotten what is was to communicate to myself through a keyboard . 

Over the years and many thousand blog reads later, I have come to realise that the reason we stop doing ,what we love to do most, is when we stop being ourselves and end up being an image of ourselves , mostly derived from another persons point of view. 

This cant be the sole reason for a  stunted growth. So let me  jot down the various reasons I feel we stop or avoid doing what we love to do the most.

We lay too much focus on our audience and too less focus on our craft.

Its pretty obvious what happens next. We lose touch with our craft and try to mimic whatever it is that worked the first time around . The reason it worked the first time is because its new , and anything new generally attracts the attention of people. Stop doing what you are doing for attention and Do it for the sake of DOING. Focus on your Craft, the audience naturally follows . 

We forget why we are doing "what we love to do most" in the first place .

The keyword is LOVE TO DO. the minute we forget THE DOING and focus on anything else, the flow stops , and obviously the result will not be the A Grade we expect .

We become afraid of judgements and feedbacks.

Most often the fear of being judged stops us from even trying to climb that mountain. We fear the comments and the remarks made by others. People come people go, their opinions too vary based on their moods and their feelings towards you, then why do we base ,how we think and feel about ourselves ,upon another person's slightly retarded and highly temperamental state of mind? 

The mind gets disillusioned when success happens.

Something to ponder about eh? When we try and try and never succeed , at least we have a story to tell ourselves. But when we casually attempt at something and get success, we along with the others wonder how'd that happen. Most of the times there is a factor called " beginners luck", but try explaining that to people who have been trying for years . 

So basically when the questions are fired and no answers are given, one retires to the mental cove and begins to waste time in finding answers. the "truth" as some may call it.

Sorry to burst the bubble. there is no "ultimate truth" other than we live- and we die- 
PERIOD. And in the in-between period , called life, we try to fill it up with colors and various others dramatics which eventually gets called "story of ones LIFE"

We begin to expect appreciation for our apparent Midas touch.

Yea so we hit the roof (in a nice way) when we attain what we wished for, but eventually more than the feelings of accomplishment , its the feeling of acknowledgement that drives us. For some it drives them crazy . We tend to look upon another person with not so puppy faces, and seek gratification for whatever it is we feel proud to have accomplished.

Here is the wake up logic, Why would another person feel proud of your accomplishments? In times like these when we are jammed till our necks with bills and more work to do, why would someone take time off their busy schedule to applaud YOUR victory? 

Of course family and well wishers are discounted. 

We base our next move upon the previous feedback.

Which is really not bad if its taken in the right spirit, ie for eg if the feedback was to trim the edges , it makes sense to first note the source of advice, and its reliability. And if it is from a trust worthy source, then go ahead, trim the edges.

But many a times we have a lot of people dishing out advices out of jealousy and contempt or mere emotional prejudice. Filter whose advice you take. Not all that shines is Gold. And not all those who advice , mean well. So basing the next move upon peoples advice is not exactly recommended . Use your discretion and if you do not trust yours ,then simply Do your best and have hope for the Rest.

We watch another person do what we love to do, in a better ,perhaps more refined  way and go back into our own shell thinking we are worthless.

There is a Magic word called "Inspiration"  Whatever we are going to attempt has probably been attempted by many people many many times before. The idea is to BE INSPIRED by what has already been done, and attempt at our own version of it. No one can be original all the time. 

We wait for the right time to take the next step. ( whatever that is)

Waiting does not do wonders, unless it is for a flight or any other such valid reason.Waiting makes one dull. Just do what you love to do and avoid waiting for the right time for inspiration to strike . The clouds wont shower you with all the equipment you need to be successful. 

Nike "just do it" mantra actually works just FINE. 

Enough said. 

Drama queen rests. 


  1. Enough said.

    Drama queen rests.

    Does she? Ever?

  2. Well written conversation provoking article. Straight from the heart, straight to the heart. One more reason why we stop is because our bills take preceedence, Appreciation isn't always colored green !

  3. "Waiting does not do wonders"
    well said!!


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