Dedicated to one intense phase of my life. long gone :)
You buy me food ,you buy me booze,
you show me around with different hairdos .
Is this your style of treating thy muse?
I'm clearly not amused.
I see you hungry to be in the News.
but each time you have a chance at the super, you manage to blow your fuse.
then waste my time, in your petty self accuse.
Iv even seen you resort to verbal and sexual abuse.
Your brain wiring is seriously obtuse!
but me saying something !!…. whats the use??
Its was painful to see you slowly losing your marbles , becoming a recluse.
How could i have helped ? for all my suggestions, you'd simply refuse.
You don't even notice , simple life's cues.
your answer to all , was always through the "power trip " avenues.
I did ask myself ,what did I fail to infuse??
into this relationship between a pseudo Artist and his muse?.
Did I give too much and take nothing in return, but your blues?
or was it that I refused to be one amongst your, many screws?
Your obsession with power and flesh is what compelled me to set u loose
The sickness is in YOUR mind, Stop blaming it on the rendezvous .
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