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ifs and buts!

iv been asked by a few to create a travelogue . although i am flattered beyond senses, I was also hesitant. Reason being, from my childhood my parents -my dad to be exact , was very particular in imparting knowledge in true sense. He would plan fancy shwamcy vaceys for the entire family. All 4 of us. He would carry his world with him . LITERALY!. His First class status allowed him baggage waiver, and he would encash on it. Our family being vegetarian has always had issues with eating out. Being the head of the family he had mentally devised a plan of having well fed holidays. He would carry a suitcase full of family size masala packets enough to cater to an army demanding north and south indian cuisine,along with dal, Tilda basmati rice ( flown esp from hawaii!!) refined vegetable oil to sesame seed oil. If that wasnt enough he would also have another suitcase loaded with utensils. i kid you not!! until recently, i thought this is how people travelled and didnt see a point in not carrying your kitchen with you! To add to this, he would reach the service apartment/hotel 3 days ahead to set up his temp kitchen . We would clean up the place, set up his deity and shower her with assortment of local flowers from her head to toe. and perform his daily prayers as if it were his backyard!!!

getting back to point as to why was i hesitant, i figured i had travelled a decent deal and had a lot to write, in detail somemore !!and that requires a lotta energy ((sigh!!!!))... for that I have to have the enrgy, which i would get from food, and eating is a chore for me!!!

And then i thought! hell why not? its fun talking to oneself through the laptop :)not complaining. im enjoying my company this way.

i shall begin my travelogue soon. Promised myself that ill spend some time to refresh rusty memories of zany travels. as well as those in the recent times.

i can only sincerely pray that the gods of self discipline will shower some mercy on me.


  1. 'not all those who wander are lost. they also come back something to write about at least.''

  2. now that's a good start vidya.... carry on.... it is captivating :) :)


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