Its the desire to be a better person that makes us do things which make others feel great, thus giving us a sense of gratification. A satisfaction to have influenced someone in a good way.The action is not initiated by a action plan. It is instead kickstarted by a deep desire. To state an example. I have a deep desire to uplift women in need. Based on my experience when I was once on the street for some really strange reasons, I understand a need for a woman to have safe shelter, edible clean food, some money at her disposal and something to keep her busy. Most often when women desire to do something with their time besides what is expected from her within family, she is cut off from any access to any resource, which could aid her to fulfil her desire. In some families phones are confiscated, in some girls are locked in a room without food to get them to bend in a way, that is suitable for the family dynamics. There is a general "bad name" associated with women...