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Showing posts from 2021

The Fairy Complex

  The Fairy Complex.     Is there a category of people who like things clean, but are terribly messy left to themselves? I have had the privilege of magic fairies, dusting their fairy dust all over, thus restoring balance. These fairies have been erratic though. Throughout my childhood and adulthood, they have changed hands on the same piece of furniture. My faith in their magic isn’t lost due to their missing periods, in fact, having learnt a thing or two watching them I can very well imitate the process of tidying up.  The issue begins when the “real “ me steps in,  after the clean-up   and starts tossing clothes and other sundry items around , just coz she owns them and wants to see them being “used”. That, definitely is a reason enough to go to war with self. I call this clash of the personalities, to be the “fairy complex”. When I play the role even for a little while, I find myself becoming one of those nagging, complaining, grumbling c...

The Calm Beauty

  I began to question BEAUTY and what it meant to me the first time I saw a drop dead gorgeous woman spit venom in front of me, thank god for ,it wasn't directed towards me. But that image of that beautiful face speaking filth and watching her face contort left a lasting impression on my mind. It made me rethink what "beauty" meant to me.  Beauty to me has everything to do with comfort in ones own skin(body). The laughter generated by a body which is in connect with itself, sounds like a musical note, tinkering of bells or the sound of a baby. Its innocent and fresh because it is real and spontaneous.  Amongst many beauty quotes, I related to the above message the most. It speaks of Beauty not as a feature or color, but more in lines of the evolution of ones  MIND AND BODY CONNECTION . The mind is a Chatterbox Entity in ones body. Our bodies need basics. The Basics are like the word suggests .BASICS. Food, shelter, clothes and periodical pit stop at the restroom. Its...

Pressure cooked beauty- A new Archetype

  I noticed how the mind doesn't wish to rest upon anything of use, while its busy floating around in the cloud of pompousness . No work gets done when I reach that cloud, and it happens each time I am acknowledged for the effort I put into a thing/person. Its almost instantaneous. The cause and effect. A peek at the peak then stagnation in thought . A hit episode then a dark cloud . I figured it has something to do with "Pressure"  What exactly is  pressure ? and how does it affect a mind? Pressure is  continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it . In terms of human energy , pressure is created, when we are unaware of our impact ,on the person we are in contact with. There is a tug and pull effect internally , when another person demands ones attention, while the mind is preoccupied.  This creates friction between incoming frequency and existing potential reserve. This happens when we are busy and cannot cater t...

The Magic Seed

  When I think of life from the perspective of death, it changes the way I look at life. I often feel full of love which brings all kinds of emotions to surface. Like, we do what we do, for love and appreciation. From the time we are born, we are told to please others and be appreciated in exchange.   We are trained to believe our happiness, joy, anger triggers, our emotions basically, lie in the hands of another, the controls of which, we are made to “willingly” give away, early during childhood. This is done by watching adults pretending to love the “virtue” of sacrifice. A person in tune with their own needs and skill sets, is looked at as “selfish”. I wonder why the person couldn’t be seen as “self-sufficient”. As a mother I would like my son to love himself, identify his needs and be able to take care of them over a period of time, during which I shall try to set an active example of how to love oneself. It would be worrisome if he didn’t know and acknowledge, his cha...